Hello Dear Visitor!
Firstly, let me welcome you to the site! Even though My First Post did that, sort of, it was made in haste to get words on the screen and cemet my location on the interwebs.
Secondly, let me state that despite what you may think, this website will not be all AI generated drivel. [Get Paid to Invest]/posts/get-paid-to-invest/) was also made in haste to get me back in the swing of things. I do plan to go back and edit it and make it truly my own writing, but I felt the important part (while you wait on more content here) would be to share a neat strategy to earn yourself some money.
So, where do we begin? (The beginning)
This website will be serve as my front to the outer world. I’m not sure why at the moment, but I feel it’s important. I’ve always been the type to have hobbies and projects that “consume” me, and then, 99% of the time I hide those projects away. Not because I’m stingy or selfish, but because as a lifelong introvert and hermit, it just never dawns on me to do so. I have also been under the impression (far too long) that no one is interested in the things I am. Certainly there are, just not in my direct circle. This site is going to serve as a broadening of a circle, and maybe a side hustle. I’m still not sold on that last part, but, regardless– if you’re still reading, thank you, and thank you for (hopefully) being patient while I tidy a few of my personal projects up, along with outlining some new ones… Maybe I’ll even post some informative blog posts along the way, who knows! The only way you will is if you check this site literally hourly… don’t question it…