A New Game Release! 🎉

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts and in the About section of this site, I consider myself a hobbyist game developer.

Aside from some crude puzzle games I made in college, I’ve never really released any of the games I’ve built. My hesitation has always been that most of them aren’t polished (or even finished) enough for others to see.

The Challenge: Release a Game

So, I decided to challenge myself: Make a small, simple game and release it. I thought creating an endless runner would be straightforward, but I quickly discovered that balancing one is far more challenging than I imagined (and I’m still far from mastering it).

Thus, Run Right! was born.

🚀 Fair warning: It’s still not perfectly balanced, and I’m unsure if I’ll release future updates. But either way, here it is, in all its glory!

The Final Push to Release

I originally planned to launch Run Right! last week. The game had been feature-complete for a couple of weeks, but life had other plans—my wife fell ill, and I had to take care of our kids.

However, something amazing happened. My toddler wandered into my workspace while Run Right! was up on my screen and asked if he could play. He ended up playing for a solid 30 minutes, laughing the entire time. Seeing that joy—especially while his mom was in the hospital—was enough to convince me:

💡 This game needs to be out there.

What’s Next?

Now that Run Right! is live, I’ll be working on improving how games are displayed on this site. Plus, I’m eager to start working on bigger projects with more depth. Stay tuned!